Bubble Up the Bong With the Perfect Downstem

Bubble Up the Bong With the Perfect Downstem

Downstems connect the water pipe to the boiling bowl, helping with more effective suction. They enrich the water with smoke and vapor before inhalation. Our wholesale downstems are usually glass vessels but may also be made of plastic or metal. 

BDD Wholesales offers a glass downstem, pipe clips, and titanium nails to strengthen the bong's construction. We also have the special Space King Milky Way glass downstem for those who prefer an extraordinary smoking experience.


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2 products

Down Stem w/ Holes (19mm/19mm)Down Stem w/ Holes (19mm/19mm)
Sale price$ 2.50
Space King Milky Way Downstems (3 sizes / 9 pcs)Space King Milky Way Downstems (3 sizes / 9 pcs)

 How Does Your Downstem Work?

The downstem for bong enjoyers is a crucial part of their system. It lets the smoke of burning ingredients travel from the bowl to the water pipe. In the meantime, it filters the smoke, never letting particles and dirt ruin your experience. 

Depending on the bong, the downstem can be removable or fixed. Our products are made for bongs with a removable downstem, which provides a longer-lasting and smoother smoking experience. 

Why is Downstem Important?

Without a downstem, your bong won't work. This part connects the whole system and makes smoking possible. As you inhale from the pipe, the air you pull mixes the dry substance smoke with the water in the chamber.

As the smoke goes through the water, it gets cleaner and smoother. Downstems help you inhale almost purified hits, with no risk of any contamination through the process. 

Downstems Come in Different Sizes

Match the downstem with the size of your bong bowls. Measure the diameter and determine the size you need. BDD Wholesale offers various sizes of downstems. If you have more than one bong, you can invest in a package of various sizes and always have a unique smoking experience. 

If the bong downstem breaks, it's easy to replace it with a new one. At BDD Wholesale, we offer packages of the same size, as well as different sizes, never letting you stay without your bong when you need it most. Also, our titanium nails help you put the downstem in its right place and warm it up as you use it. 

Why Removable Downstems?

Removable wholesale downstems are easy to clean and maintain. You only need to remove them from the bong, submerge them in soapy water, and scrub the buildup with a brush and isopropyl alcohol. Ensure the downstem is completely dry before using it again. 

Fixed downstems are harder to clean, and some bends and curves usually make scrubbing hard. If you break a fixed downstem, you must invest in a whole new bong system. On the other hand, removable downstems are more practical, as you can always order a new piece without having to replace the entire bong. 

Order Your Favorite BDD Wholesale Downstem

Explore our offer and find your favorite products. Choose between the actual glass downstems and the accessories that complete them. 

It's time to experience a whole new level of bong smoking. Choose our practical downstems and quickly install them to your smoking pipe. Experience the cleanest and smoothest taste of your favorite smoking ingredient.